+36 20 351 4717 +36 49 741 741
H-3580 Tiszaújváros, Teleki Blanka u. 4.
A trip to the Castle of Ónod...
The Castle of Ónod is located between the village and the river Sajó. It is standing on 5-6-metre high pebbly and sandy terrace formed by the river in the originally marshy territory. In the Middle Ages, the river Sajó, the river Hernád and the streams Hejő and Szinva made the fort built on the flood-proof elevation difficult to approach and easy to defend.
The castle protected the ford in the Sajó and the roads to the east. In Hungarian history, in the 16th century, the castle was a strong border fort with cannon bastions to fight off the increasingly serious Turkish raids during the two Turkish sieges (1561, 1582).